Friday, Nov 12th

12:15- 12:30pm est

Open discussion

Come and chat with others just as if you were entering our live Summit. Grab a drink and a notebook if you want and then say hi to those joining the Summit! Introduce yourself and connect with others or just listen as others talk. We want to make this experience very similar to what we do when it’s a live event!!

12:30-1:25pm est

Welcome message

Sperry and Susan will start off our online Summit with a warm welcome (just like we were all together in one room). Susan will update what we are doing at Shift Your Thinking and our future focus to support our community. Next Sperry will offer her heart message to get the Summit off and running!

1:00 - 2:15 pm est Keynote speaker

Scott Barry Kaufman PhD


Scott will share his personal learning story and the research findings that have led him to redefine intelligence, ability and creativity when it comes to children and learning differences. He will also review what we need as humans to reach our full potential.

2:45 - 3:45 pm est Keynote speaker

Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe


Life is hard and it is not because you are doing it wrong! The world as we know it is ever-changing. Parents and supporters, alongside their children, are facing times of unparallel stress, unrest, and uncertainty. Our physical, emotional, and mental health are being tested everyday. There is an extraordinary need to build, foster and practice resilience so we can navigate our lives. In this learning event, Dr. Robyne will share her theory of ’Everyday Resiliency’ while exploring how we can nurture and cultivate resilient people and family systems. The information presented in this workshop is researched informed, readily available, and is grounded in wise practices. The learning outcomes are multifaceted. Participants will learn how to incorporate resiliency and wellness practices for personal applications, as well as ideas and skill sets that support our children. 

4:00 pm- 5:00 pm est Keynote speaker - youth and adult talk

Sara Westbrook


Youth with learning differences often face many challenges that impact their emotional and mental health. Feeling like a failure, believing you are not good enough, and not trusting in your own uniqueness are common struggles amongst youth with differences such as ADHD, dyslexia and other learning (dis)abilities. 

In this session, Sara provides interactive, fun, and engaging presentations that will help the participants understand how their emotions influence and directly impact how they feel about themselves. She leaves her audience feeling empowered, and with the message that being able to rebound from challenging circumstances and the emotions they trigger, is pivotal to believing you are enough just the way you are.

** this session will not be recorded - live call only

Saturday, Nov 13th

9:45- 10:00 am est

Open discussion

Come and chat with us and others just as if you were entering our 2nd day of the Summit. Grab a drink/coffee and a notebook if you want and then say hi to those joining the Summit! Introduce yourself and connect with others or just listen as others talk. We want to make this experience very similar to what we do when it’s a live event!!

10:00 - 10:45 am est Keynote Speakers

Susan Schenk and Sperry Bilyea

The Pathway of Hope: the child must be part of the journey

An interactive talk with Susan (Occupational Therapist, Author and Co-founder) and Sperry (Co-founder and Parent) about how the pathway of hope is really about keeping the child as part of the journey and the focus when it comes to supporting them.

You have done everything you were told to do but your child is still struggling? You are in the process of getting an assessment or waiting for an assessment what can you do now to help your child? You have a diagnosis but now what? We are looking at how you can do everything you know to do to support a child but somehow they are not thriving. This discussion will allow parents and professionals to gain insight into what it means to have a pathway of hope.

11:00 - 12:15 pm est Keynote speaker

Dr. Todd Cunningham


This keynote talk will provide insight into why we assess and the insights they provide in understanding how to support students with learning differences. Dr. Cunningham will offer practical suggestions to support both parents and professionals on how to understand psychological assessment findings. Key issues about when to assess and when to re-assess will also be covered.

12:30 - 1:30pm est


We want you to have time to connect with other parents and professionals. When we offered this opportunity last Summit the feedback told us this is something you loved and wanted more of! So we are offering it virtually again. The importance of community is learning from each other. Come and learn from us and others as we look at how the fall is rolling out for you and your family.

Sperry will wrap things up and we will offer gifts to those attending our online summit!! Woo Hooo!!