Our Mission

...is to SHIFT how learning differences are viewed and approached.  With all the knowledge and information available there continues to be misunderstanding when it comes to learning differences such as Dyslexia, ADHD or Learning disorders.

Learning differences continue to be viewed as a disadvantage or a disability instead of a way of process information that allows for a new perspective and method.  This type of learning is required for the ever changing world that is in front of us, so now more than ever we need to help shift this view and allow learning differences to be supported and accepted by people with learning differences, by parents and professionals. 

We will continue to reach out to people with a message of hope and inspiration.  Focusing on the postive aspects of learning differences without denying the challenges that are faced.


Our Manifesto

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- Children TO OWN AND EMBRACE their beautiful different brains.
- The first question to be “WHAT'S BEST FOR THE CHILD?"
- TO BREAK DOWN SHAME, confusion, angst, and build on the child’s strengths.
- TO EMPOWER PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS with effective advice, tools, research, around the OPTIONS.
- TO HEAL ADULTS AND GENERATIONS as many adults don't 'see' their learning different or they didn't truly understood their learning difference that was in them the whole time and now the can accept and support others and their families
- TO BE INSIGHTFUL, PRACTICAL, AND ACCESSIBLE for both parents and children sharing expert research from around the world.
- TECHNOLOGY TO EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT TOOL for the child and not a solution after thought.
- TO BREAK DOWN THE SILOS of the many diagnoses and labels and instead look at the whole child – mental, physical, emotional wellbeing so they can truly THRIVE. 


s.h.i.f.t. stand for


The stories we share will help parents know they are not alone and offer them support and insight.


Learning is a big part of our focus but to help you and your child we need to look at all parts of the child + their life (social, emotional and physical)


Our strategies and approaches will help you and your child move forward confidently and independently.


Family is powerful. You are the consistent person in your child's life and with this community you will regain hope and support for YOU.


Technology offers a lot to those who learn differently. We look at how and why it is.

It's time to make GREAT THINGS HAPPEN in the world of learning differences.   Remove the shame and limitations and replace them with hope and abilities!!  

Susan + Sperry