We want to support you more!
If you are here and you’ve heard of the term Dyslexia but you’re not sure what it is exactly. No worries we have you covered. Sign up to watch our free video about Dyslexia from one of our guest experts. There are many terms out there that make it kinda confusing to figure out what your child may be dealing with when it comes to their learning - and that’s why we have this community.
Dyslexia in kids is common. One in five kids has dyslexia and we want to help parents and professionals know what it is and how to approach and support kids in a positive way.
We want to focus on the positives of this learning difference while not denying the challenges that a child may be facing. (As a person with dyslexia, I know the challenges but I also know the gifts that need to be highlighted - Susan Schenk)
So take a minute and watch this free video from Samantha Tremaine, to learn more about dyslexia! And even if you know about dyslexia, you will still take something away!
She will share her insights:
About the different types of dyslexia
How dyslexia presents itself
Self-esteem issues that kids can face when they don’t understand their way of learning
All the gifts that can come from this way of thinking!