Why is it important to focus on the other end of Nutrition? Especially when it comes to Learning and Behaving Differently.
Hi there,
Have you ever thought about what our bodies do with the food we eat and if that process works optimally? I know for some folks digestion seems completely unrelated to learning behaviors, differences, anxiety, ADHD, autism and ASD. It is considered alternative to even consider that digestion could be part of the problem. We focus so much on what our child is eating - remove sugar, dyes, check for food allergies etc. However, what if our kids were perfect in their nutritional choices that they made every meal every day; but their intestinal tract did not absorb the micro and macro nutrients properly into their bloodstream and organs such as magnesium or folic acid. Did you know that most people are deficient in magnesium just with respect to our North American Diets? Symptoms range from mental disorders to muscle twitches to fatigue and asthma. Check out this link to learn more. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/magnesium-deficiency-symptoms#section4
My kids were all allergic when they were born I literally had to feed them elemental formula and breast milk (very limited diet) when I had to go back to work at 4 months. Corn, Wheat, Eggs, Dairy all started a chain of reactions in my kids bodies that resulted in exzema, and tummy aches. They eventually outgrew it by the time they were three or did they? My youngest continually has to get an annual colonscopy to remove polyps, my one son changes into a completely different human being when he has sugar and my daughter has weird hangups about fresh food. To say the least our family focuses on food for many different reasons. I have a dear friend who spends hours in the kitchen preparing food for her children using the Feingold diet and knows it has made a difference in her children. We are all individuals so what works is different for everyone but understanding if our kids are processing the nutrients effectively is the reason we are so excited to have found Dr. Irina. It is so important that this is the reason it is one of two workshops we are offering in 2018 because we think it is so important. It is the reason that Dr. Aileen Burford Mason (one of our SYT speakers) who teaches doctors on nutrition is trying to educate doctors who only are required 40 hours of nutritional education for their medical degrees. I think we can all agree on that what we put in our bodies effects our physical and mental health. We know how important food is to support and nourish our bodies but we spend a lot less time focusing on what our body actually does with the food. We need to bring this topic into mainstream. conversations.
Take a second to continue reading what Dr. Irina has said on what we can do for our digestive tracts.
And now we are about to discover even more secrets about our digestive world.
New and astonishing scientific news reveals how our intestinal microbiota (the universe of bugs that lives inside our belly) influences all the functions of our entire body.
So much so that Digestive Intelligence can now be interpreted as a gut-brain-microbiota axis!
Mounting evidence is suggesting that particular aspects of human health and disease may be attributed to the trillions of microbes that inhabit our gastrointestinal tract, collectively referred to as the gut microbiota. We have more microbes in our body than the amount of our own cells. Or, put another way, we could even consider ourselves more bacteria that human! Our dependence on our ecology and the universe of bugs that cover us from inside and outside is vital.
So the microbiota associated with the human body are now being intensively studied in both aspects: as a risk factor for disease and a modulator of health and ageing. The organisms that live inside our innards contribute not only to each others function and survival but humans have evolved to depend on the extensive physiology and metabolism that microbiota provides. The power of the gut bacteria in regulating human health cannot be overestimated.
Consider this: the number of unique genes contributed by our gut inhabitants is greater by 150-fold than that encoded within the human genome. The human body uses the sequences of bacterial genomes for its own metabolic, regenerative, immune and nutritive needs. We cannot live a healthy, or a long life without the help of our bacterial universe. Mapping of the bacterial genome of each person can give us information about their health risk of different diseases, body weight and longevity tendencies and even character. Pretty soon we will have our own bacterial identification code, which is going to be a unique digital signature. And medical genetic engineering will begin to use the extended genome of our gut microbiota for future treatments, which will bring about a quantum revolution in modern medicine.
However, digestive pathology is already growing at such an incredible speed in our Western world that currently every second adult suffers from digestive troubles. How we can stop this fast-track growth? What do we need to learn, in order to put the brakes on this rapidly spreading epidemic? It is already becoming clear to many of us that stress, tension, never-ending work and responsibilities exhaust the body and the mind and cause the systems of the body to start to fail; beginning primarily with the digestive and psychological functions.
So what realistically can we do? To stop the world and change our lives seems impossible. Medications don’t appear to be the solution to everything, either. Current studies and research in biotechnology and modern neuroscience are very important and hold great promise for the medicines of the future but it is early days yet, in terms of their practical application.
In my professional opinion, the future is in education and prevention. Each of us has to discover own health potential, learn how we function and question what is causing our health problems. Let’s be curious about how to care and prevent and how to do things in a very practical and positive way.
No unified formula of diet, exercise or magic pill exists. Instead, we have to be self-aware and regularly perform a technical inspection of our ‘life vehicle’ (our body) by doing the detoxing and nourishment programme that I write about in my books. There, you can learn how your gut directly influences your character, behaviour and even your immune defence system. You’ll also be able to recognize the complexity of your relationship with food and discover more about the different types of intolerances and sensitivities.
You’ll know more about the connection between gut health and allergies, mental disorders, obesity, depression and, even, cancer. We have the internal mechanisms we need for recovery and cure. Our body talks to us and warns us. If we could just decode its signals and take notice of them, then we would be much stronger and healthier.
Welcome, to your own new world of Digestive Intelligence!
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