The #FreedomFromShame Journey


We’re thrilled you are here for our 4-day #freedomfromshame Journey LAUNCH

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This is a journey to empower you the parent and your child with learning differences such as ADHD, dyslexia or other learning disabilities.

Why is this journey important?

It's important because shame can impact your whole life. As Katy Cook stated, "When we are in shame, it is hard to extract ourselves from it, both in the moment, and within a larger, lifelong pattern of feeling unlovable, unworthy, or defective".

So if we can offer a door to allow people to become aware of the shame that can exist with learning differences and what it is doing to a child or person and how to remove it - then we've taken some powerful steps together.

Watch our videos!

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Live Coffe Chats at 12 pm

Every day this week with Susan and Sperry

Please come and join us - feel free to ask questions, share your story we would love to meet you.

#FreedomFromShame Summary Videos

Day One Awareness Video

Susan and Sperry share a conversation around, “What will others think?”

It’s not easy to have this conversation but it’s needed to bring awareness to how shame can dive our responses as a parent and how we function as a child with a learning difference.

Dive in as we share as much from our heart without a script.

Day Two Acceptance Video

Susan and Sperry share a conversation around, “If I only knew…”

Dive in as we share as much from our heart without a script.

Day Three Connection Video

Susan and Sperry share a conversation around, “You are not alone?”

Dive in as we share as much from our heart without a script.

Day Four Empowered Video

Susan and Sperry share a conversation around, “I am enough!”

Dive in as we share as much from our heart without a script