October 21, 2017 Summit speakers

We are heading into our third Summit!  We are not just a little excited about this Summit - we are over the moon.  Top researchers with a passion to help children reach their full potential with a focus on learning differences.  Read about them below. 

This Summit focuses on:

  • Anxiety explained by stepping inside the world of learning differences.

  • Compassion and why it's key,

  • Exercise and why it more than just a good idea.

  • The 2nd brain (the gut) how does it work and why should we know about it.

  • Technology. What does it offer your child?


Live Event speakers 

Dr Kristen Neff

Dr Kristen Neff

self compassion researcher


Kristin Neff, Ph.D. is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on self-compassion, being the first one to operationally define and measure the construct over a decade ago. In addition to her pioneering research into self-compassion, she has developed an eight-week program to teach self-compassion skills in daily life, co-created with her colleague Dr. Chris Germer, called Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC). Her book, Self-Compassion

She teaches us to be compassionate to ourselves in times of struggle. She also co-facilitates a Self-Compassion workshop which combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion to enhance our capacity for emotional wellbeing with Dr. Brené Brown. 


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Dr. irina matveikova


Dr. Irina Matveikova focuses on Family Medicine, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Neurogastroenterology, Preventive and Holistic Medicine. And she is taking time to come a visit us to review her insight into the mind gut connection.  Dr. Matveikova will be visiting us to review the latest data about The Brain-Gut Connection and the relationship between Digestive and Mental Health. She will offer practical medical and nutritional recommendations to support brain development and function for children and adults. 

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Sperry bilyea


Founder of Shift Your Thinking, CEO of Thrive by Design

I needed help.  I found Susan Schenk and she walked me through a life changing exercise to help my children in her Invincible Mama Program.  I have 3 awesome kids who all have some diagnosis or another either LD, ADHD and GAD (including their mom).  They are creative, quirky, funny,  out of the box thinkers and we love them this way!  They did not fit the school mold.  I saw their self-esteem go down the toilet. I searched for traditional and non traditional medical experts, social workers, nutritionists, meditation.  I found it confusing and overwhelming.  Our family ebbs and flows as all families do - I want to do the best for each child and help them truly thrive in the world.

The Biz Story

My whole career has been in the health and wellness industry in the US and Canada. My company is called Thrive by Design. Thriving By Design’s mission is to CURATE RESEARCH and experiences to help nurture curiosity in living a life that is intentionally focused on health regardless of age or circumstances.  Shift Your Thinking fits into this personal mission perfectly. Our hope is to start this community and give families who are just beginning this journey or are in the middle of it - the support, resources and encouragement that we were searching for in one place.  Shifting peoples thinking about learning differently one mind at a time.

I tried and failed. I tried again and again and succeeded.     (resilience)
— Gail Borden

Dr. Kelly Arbor Nicitopoulos

Dr. Kelly Arbor Nicitopoulos

Dr. Kelly is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and Adjunct Scientist Bloorview Research Institute.

Her research interests are with health and exercise psychology, as well as disability and physical activity.  


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Susan Schenk



Founder of Shift your Thinking, CEO of Technology & Tools for kids, author of Beyond Ok from Invisible to invincible and the Mom Mentoring program Invincible Mama Program.

I decided to face my learning differences so I could support my children and their learning in a powerful way.  I had to accept my way of learning so I could do the same for them.  This started the journey. I wrote my thoughts down and soon the idea of a book came to be, as I knew others needed to know they were not alone.  

I had to give learning differences a voice. I then created a program from my book called Invincible Mama and co-created the Summit, which to me feels like my book has came to life.


I worked as an Occupational Therapist in the school setting for 20 years.  I watched and I learned -- I looked at skills and how learning was viewed and what seemed to be missing when it came to supporting kids that were learning differently.  I had the passion which came from my own learning experiences.  My business was born! I stepped out to help parents support their children in a new way so they could see their learning abilities.  I was thrilled but not done yet. I started to support other Occupational Therapist across North America and published my book. It was the story about my learning differences and what that looked it to me.  

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Could it be that maybe we are “suppose to learn this way?
— Susan Schenk Beyond Ok from Invisible to Invincible

online experts & inspirational Speakers 

Lorian at Shift Your Thinking Online Speaker

Lorian Phillips


I am a Clinical Psychologist and have been in private practice for the last 20 years. I have always worked with a range of issues that people see a therapist for. However, in the past 4 years my interest has shifted to a focus on coaching parents with ADHD/ADD. This is due to the fact that I am the mother of 2 ADHD son's and initially I totally struggled with the different issues and behaviours that arose as a result of ADD. I felt I was thrown into a strange, foreign, extremely difficult world. I chose to empower myself by doing a lot of reading on ADHD - how to understand and manage the condition and my sons' behaviour more effectively. Slowly but surely, by adopting different parenting strategies, things started to settle down at home and life became more pleasant. It's not without challenges but my approach has been different. Due to all of this, I developed a parenting course for parents of ADD/ADHD kids which I have been running since 2013, I also started coaching parents in my private practice and have given various talks to teachers and parents as well as presenting at a conference on The Learning styles of ADHD KIDS. My work, reading and interest is ongoing as this is of a very personal interest to me, as well as professionally.

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Debbie Reber

founded TiLT Parenting,


Debbie Reber, a bestselling author of inspiring YA fiction and nonfiction for girls, changed her career dramatically in 2016 when she founded TiLT Parenting, a website, podcast, and social media company for parents like her who are raising differently-wired children. Debbie’s next book, "Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World," will be published by Workman Books in June 2018. She currently lives with her 13-year-old son and husband in the Netherlands.

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sarah rosensweet

Parenting Expert


Sarah Rosensweet is a peaceful parenting coach. She lives in Toronto with her husband and three big kids (ages 9, 12, and 16). Sarah helps parents become the parents they want to be- with a non-punitive, connection-based approach that that feels good and works. Sarah is certified by Dr. Laura Markham as an Aha! Peaceful Parenting Coach. Enjoy your kids again! Find her at www.sarahrosensweet.com or follow her on Facebook. 

Todd + Cathy Zen Parenting Radio at SYT

todd + Cathy adams


Cathy is a self-awareness expert, podcast host, & author focused on parenting and the personal empowerment of women and young girls. She’s a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Parent Coach, Certified Elementary School Teacher, Certified Yoga Teacher, and she teaches in the Sociology Department at Dominican University and Elmhurst College.

Todd is ... the co-host of the Zen Parenting Radio podcast and a certified life coach who focuses on supporting guys in finding a healthy work/family balance. He focuses on marriage, parenting, career, overall self-awareness and life enjoyment.


Erin Koerselman at Shift Your Thinking LD

 Erin Koerselman

ADHD Parenting Coach, Founder of the Honestly ADHD Parenting Academy


Erin Koerselman is an ADHD parenting coach & educator, blogger and speaker. She is the mother of three beautiful children and lives in Minnesota where she enjoys connecting with other parents, yoga, and a good long run.

A former attorney, Erin's introduction to ADHD and coaching happened when her oldest son was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 5. While parenting a child with ADHD was not easy by any stretch of the imagination, it did produce a silver lining. It opened her eyes to an entire population of parents also struggling to raise kids with ADHD, and who were frustrated, lonely, exhausted and needed help and support. After years of hard work, Erin left her corporate career and became a parenting coach to serve and uplift these moms and dads. 

As an ADHD parenting coach Erin's goal is to be the catalyst of positive change in the lives of parents feeling lost and lonely; to empower parents with shifts in mindset, parenting skills, and the knowledge they need to become the parents their children need them to be.

Erin is the founder of HonestlyADHD.com and the Honestly ADHD Parenting Academy where parents can learn about ADHD and improve their parenting skills in a stress-free, supportive, online environment

Lorian Phillips online speaker for Shift Your Thinking LD

Lorian Phillips


I am a Clinical Psychologist and have been in private practice for the last 20 years. I have always worked with a range of issues that people see a therapist for. However, in the past 4 years my interest has shifted to a focus on coaching parents with ADHD/ADD. This is due to the fact that I am the mother of 2 ADHD son's and initially I totally struggled with the different issues and behaviours that arose as a result of ADD. I felt I was thrown into a strange, foreign, extremely difficult world. I chose to empower myself by doing a lot of reading on ADHD - how to understand and manage the condition and my sons' behaviour more effectively. Slowly but surely, by adopting different parenting strategies, things started to settle down at home and life became more pleasant. It's not without challenges but my approach has been different. Due to all of this, I developed a parenting course for parents of ADD/ADHD kids which I have been running since 2013, I also started coaching parents in my private practice and have given various talks to teachers and parents as well as presenting at a conference on The Learning styles of ADHD KIDS. My work, reading and interest is ongoing as this is of a very personal interest to me, as well as professionally.

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Jonathon scott


Jonathon is from the UK and is the founder of Supply Clouds which offers a technology solution to helping schools find supply teachers.  

Jon states he is very Dyslexic, very passionate about positive change and progressive thinking. He loves tech, MMA and soccer. An overall average guy, who works hard and is happy to challenge the norm. 

Listen to his inspiring learning difference story.