The Real Purpose of Basic Emotions: How they always show up to help us!
with kristina buk
Fear, Anger, Grief and Joy are part of our navigation system. They are meant to help you.
We often identify fear, anger and grief as negative emotions however, any discomfort we may feel when experiencing one of these emotions is often a defence mechanism (towards the basic emotion, not the emotion itself).
Kids with learning differences experience more fear, more anger and grief through their experiences and that is why this is an important topic to review to help us understand what these emotions really mean and how we can support our children to listen to the emotions and why they are here.
In this talk, you will find out:
The real purpose of the 4 basic emotions and how you are born with these feelings and what they are saying to you, you just have to reconnect to it.
What the emotions’ real purpose is and when and why they show up. As well, what the emotions are not.
How to start detecting which emotion is in play.
How to open up to allowing all old emotions that are stagnated in your system to be a move to the surface to be released.
How to get into your body and listen to what they are saying to you (your inner wisdom).
Join Kristin Buk, as she shares with her his insights during her Expert Call.
Watch and Enjoy!
4 work and dialogue books for kids · English version.
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Kristina Buk
Kristina Buk has lived and trained in personal development teachings, and is an instructor in education within an in-depth danish personal development program.
Kristina states “I have grown to know that no matter our upbringing and circumstances, we all have the exact amount of past, present, and future learnings, experiences, and patterns, we need. It’s the training to realize we are perfect as we are - and to start creating with our unique superpowers in our lives.”