Where do I start?


to help you move through the content, answer these questions

We have set up “yes or no” questions to help you navigate our library as if we were guiding you directly.

Let’s begin!

Q: My child is struggling with behaviour at home or school; what do I need to know?

A: Look at these resources below to get you started. Click on the images below to access their content.

If no, move to the next question.

Understanding your child with Penny Williams

Partnering with your child with Dr. Ross Greene

Learning Differently with Jonathon Mooney

Homework battles with Susan Schenk

Q: My child is struggling to read; what supports and resources do they need?

A: Look at these resources below to get you started. Click on the images below to access their content.

If no, move to the next question.

The science of reading with Dr. Todd Cunningham

The Dyslexic Brain with Sue Hall

Dyslexia and how to identify it with Samantha Tremaine

Q: My child is struggling with friends and relationships. What can I do?

A: Look at these resources below to get you started. Click on the images below to access their content.

If no, move to the next question.

ADHD and friendship with Katelyn

The first R: Relationships with Dr. Jean Clinton

Q: My child seems to struggle with motivation. What can I learn from this?

A: Look at these resources below to get you started. Click on the images below to access their content.

If no, move onto the next question.

The Self Driven Child with Ned Johnson

Can’t vs Won’t - Understanding the barriers to skill performance with Alley Dezenhouse-Kelner

Q: Why is parenting so hard, and how can we approach parenting in a simple and humble way?

A: Look at these resources below to get you started. Click on the images below to access their content.

If no, move on to the next question.

Simplicity Parenting with Kim John Payne

Confessions of a Parenting Expert with Julie Lythcott Haims

Q: I need support with changes/transitions happening during the summer or how to step into being the leader I want during these transitions!

A: Look at these resources below to get you started. Click on the images below to access their content.

If no, move onto the next question.

Summer: Time for a Change with Susan Schenk

Parent Leadership by Design with Jaleh Z


WE are continuing to build this out…thanks for your patience!

Q: Remembers, organizing

Seth Perler - EF

Q: I need to figure out how what strategies and accommodations can support my child.

Find the right assistive technology - Todd

Keyboarding - Susan

Making sense of a neuropsych report - Lindsay

Q: My child is experiencing some big emotions, what can I do?

Anxiety and supporting q child - Amanda

Social Emotional Learning - Robin

When worry takes over - Dawn

The real Purpose of Basic Emotions with Kristina Buk

Q: I would love some insight into how to help my child feel more empowered on their LD journey. What do your experts say?

Resilience - Robyne

Learning differently - Jonathan

Q: My child is going for testing, what do I need to know?

Making sense of a neuropsych report - Lindsay

Is it just ADHD or something more - Childhood Collective

Finding the right assistive tech - Todd