Get REAL with Executive Functioning with Seth Perler


We are shifting how we are responding to the needs of our community since the pandemic began. Parents need support with the changes they are facing at home. And one of these changes is schooling at home, we know this from our own lives and listening to the concerns inside our Parent Membership Community. So when we connected with Seth Perler to work together on how to support parents at home when it came to executive functioning skills, we knew we had to offer this support to all parents. So we opened the doors to our SYT Learn to allow everyone to gain support from our expert calls. Seth delivered in a big way, he was incredible. Not only did he offer great insights but a personal touch on why this is so important to him.

One of our team members was also on the call that night and this is what she had to say as well:

Recently I was able to take part in one of the live “Expert Calls” through a SYT Learn experience. This is a resource available to anyone, and Shift Your Thinking just asks for donations to the Shift Your Thinking Charity to allow the organization to keep bringing in amazing speakers like this one, to help us all better support those with learning differences. 

Seth Perler SYT Learn

The call that I joined in on was a discussion with Seth Perler. Seth is a well-known Executive Function coach who specializes in helping neurodiverse learners with executive function skills. He is a former teacher and has years of hands-on experience working with struggling students.

Seth had so many gems to share with the almost one hundred people who joined on the call.

He discussed topics such as motivation, overwhelm, scaffolding, how to sustain attention, distractions and relationships.

He did a wonderful job of sharing actionable advice that gave us tips that we can start using right now.

In a world where there is so much information available (information overload!), I found that the way Seth was able to give specific examples based on his experience to be so helpful. He didn’t just share theories, he shared stories, advice and insights that left me wanting to hear more.

As a parent and educator, I took away lots of nuggets that will help me both with my own kids at home, and in the education world. 

Jill — SYT Team

If you missed this call and you want to watch it. You can. Just click here and sign up.