School stress, sleep and learning differences (dyslexia and adhd)
8 Things To Consider When Your Child With Dyslexia and/or ADHD Is Gifted
ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkgifted, dyslexia, adhd, smart kids, 2E, twice exceptional, Learning Disability, dyscalculia, strength based approach, misunderstood
Five Messages our Kids with Learning Differences Need to Hear (and hear often!)
Learning (dis)Abilities, Dyslexia, ADHDSusan Schenkdyslexic, dyslexia, adhd, learning struggle, Learning Disability, learning differences, Stigma, self esteem, confidence, your child, back to school, IEP, decrease shame, greater sense of self, parents, 5 Messages kids need to hear, 5 messages kids with LD need to hear
ADHD and Negative Back to School Thoughts
Back to School - How does your child do with planning, organizing and stay on task?
Summer Reading: SYT articles and blogs
ADHD, Anxiety, Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan SchenkADHD, anxiety, dyslexia, reading list, learning struggle, ADHD and anxiety, anxiety and teens
Friendship and ADHD
Social-Emotional Learning - why is this important?
ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkdyslexia, ADHD, Learning Disability, Social skills, Emotional Skills, self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, decision makig
ADHD and Being Bored
5 things you should know about technology to support your child with dyslexia and ADHD
Dyslexia, ADHD, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkdyslexia, dyslexic, technology, assistive technology, ADHD, tech ed, education and technology, learning and technology
8 Strategies to help your child with ADHD focus and learn at home
Stop the Overwhelm. Review and Reflect. Details and a Plan - all inside our PMC!
Dyslexia, ADHDSusan SchenkDyslexia, dyslexic, ADHD, PMC, Parent Membership Community, Shift Your Thinking, learning struggle, learning style, Learning Disabilities, learning differences
Does my child have ADHD?
6 tips for parents whose child was just diagnosed with a learning difference (ADHD, Dyslexia, etc)
ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkdiagnosis, parent support, ADHD, dyslexic, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, psychoeducational assessment, parent emotions, grief, overwhelm, fear, relief, learning differences, learning disability
Emotional Intelligence and kids with ADHD or Dyslexia
ADHD, DyslexiaSusan Schenkemotional intelligence, ADHD, learning differences, Learning Disabilities, dyslexia, dyslexic, resolve conflicts, strong relationships, emotions and behaviours
Resilience and Learning Differences (dyslexia and ADHD)
Dyslexia, Learning (dis)Abilities, ADHDSusan SchenkResilience, dyslexic, dyslexia, learning differences, Learning Disabilities, ADHD, shame, depression, left behind, stress, stigma
Let's talk about teens with ADHD and anxiety/depression
Your child's report - breaking down executive functioning terms and strategies
ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkexecutive functioning, dyslexia test, psychologist, psych educational tests, adhd, dyslexic, neuropsych report, neuropsych assessment, neuropsych terms, strategies for executive functioning, Dr Lindsey Dogali, adhd kid, dyslexia in kids
Are you looking for a dyslexia test or an ADHD test for your child?
ADHD, DyslexiaSusan SchenkShift Your Thinking LDpsych educational tests, dyslexia test, adhd test, assessments, Dr LIndsay Dogali, SYT guest expert, psychometrist, psychologist, learning style, working memory, executive functioning, auditory processing, visual processing, diagnosis, dysgraphia, dyscalculia
Youth Focus: Why Support is Needed for Kids with Learning Differences
ADHD, Learning (dis)Abilities, DyslexiaSusan SchenkShift Your Thinking LDyouth focus, youth support, ADHD and anxiety, ADHD and depression, ADHD and low self esteen, Learning disabilities and low self esteem, Learning disabilities and mental health, ADHD and feelings of inadequacy, Learning disabilities and anxiety, Learning disabilities and social skills