Take a Tour of our New Shift Your Thinking LD Website and Our New 2018 Summit
Friendships and learning difference - what's one simple thing you can do to help your child?
Dyslexia + Spelling Errors...now what?
ADHD and Girls: What is the confusion about?
3 Things to Consider with Anxiety and Learning Differences
Summer is here: is it time for survival or freedom?
Smart kids that learn differently -- need a process that works for them.
What are the strengths of kids with dyslexia?
A positive attitude is needed when supporting your child's learning difference
Which comes first the learning difference or anxiety?
Co-parenting with Differences - My partner is not on board.
Why is it important to focus on the other end of Nutrition? Especially when it comes to Learning and Behaving Differently.
Misunderstanding of Learning Differences leads to Students NOT Graduating High School
What to do when you don't know what to do
SYT's 2018 - What lies ahead?
Top 10 family tips to thrive during the Holidays!
Our Second Brain and Digestive Intelligence Part 1
Good Morning Part 3 Out the Door.
Digestion is big. You realize this when you're dealing with the pain.
Am I doing the Loving Thing?
Shift Your Thinking, ParentingSusan Schenkparenting, doing the right thing, doing the loving thing, discipline, neurodiverse, ADHD, LD, Shift Your Thinking LD Summit, dyslexia, Self esteem, stress management, stopoverwhelm