Posts tagged learning struggle
Five Messages our Kids with Learning Differences Need to Hear (and hear often!)
Learning (dis)Abilities, Dyslexia, ADHDSusan Schenkdyslexic, dyslexia, adhd, learning struggle, Learning Disability, learning differences, Stigma, self esteem, confidence, your child, back to school, IEP, decrease shame, greater sense of self, parents, 5 Messages kids need to hear, 5 messages kids with LD need to hear
ADHD and Negative Back to School Thoughts
Summer Reading: SYT articles and blogs
ADHD, Anxiety, Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan SchenkADHD, anxiety, dyslexia, reading list, learning struggle, ADHD and anxiety, anxiety and teens
Helping your child with dyslexia learn at home
Stop the Overwhelm. Review and Reflect. Details and a Plan - all inside our PMC!
Dyslexia, ADHDSusan SchenkDyslexia, dyslexic, ADHD, PMC, Parent Membership Community, Shift Your Thinking, learning struggle, learning style, Learning Disabilities, learning differences
How can we create more dyslexic leaders?
DyslexiaSusan SchenkShift Your Thinking LDwill wheeler, dyslexia, dyslexic, motivation, addictions, mental health, learning struggle, Learning Disabilities, business, innovative, mindset, Shift Your Thinking
Knowing yourself and how you learn is powerful!
Learning (dis)Abilities, DyslexiaSusan SchenkDJ Cunningham, LearnStyle, ADHD, dyslexia, learning struggle, learn with technology, learning differences, learning disability, Learning disorder, focus on strengths, focus on abilities
Free Support from Incredible Guest Experts with our SYT Learn Live Calls
Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan SchenkDr Ross Greene, Jonathon Mooney, Kim John Payne, Julie Lythcott-Haims, the childhood collective, Becky Ginger, ADHD, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia, learning struggle, solve problems not behaviours
Online youth support for kids with dyslexia, ADHD + learning differences
ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan SchenkADHD, learning disability, dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, learning struggle, Self esteem, mental health, stress, Anxiety, group support, youth support, online youth support, teens, preteens, Depression, worry, virtual school
Different "Back to School" Anxiety and Stresses
Anxiety, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkback to school, covid 19, back to learning series, dyslexia, ADHD, learning differences, learning struggle, online learning, Anxiety, stress, masks all day, social distance
Dyscalculia: let us explain this "number dyslexia"
Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkdyscalculia, learning struggle, math struggles, ADHD, dyslexia, timestables, telling time, money struggles, Becky Ginger, syt learn, SYT Parent Membership Community, expert live calls, replay call, donate, charity
Learning challenges, Covid 19 and back to school....what are you gonna do?
Dyslexia, Anxiety, ADHD, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkback to school, covid 19, pandemic, dyslexia, ADHD, mental health, learning struggle, Learning Disabilities, Adhd, decisions to make, accommodations, virtual school, online learning, Anxiety
Differences should not be seen as deficits!
Dyslexia, ADHD, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkdeficits, weaknesses, learning struggle, learning differences, dyslexia, ADHD, celebrate differences, focus on strengths, acceptance, no shame, no stigma
What is Dyslexia?
What to do when your child is behind in school?
ADHD, Anxiety, DyslexiaSusan Schenkhomework battles, child is behind in their schoolwork, when your child is behind in school, child falling behind in school, child behind in school, homework battles tips, homework battles parents, ADHD, dyslexia, learning disability, learning struggle, learning differences
Learning Differences, Resilience + Big Dreams!
Dyslexia, Learning (dis)AbilitiesSusan Schenkdreambig, big picture thinking, learning differences, dyslexia, movement, Shift Your Thinking, ADHD, learning struggle, learning disability
My Child is Falling Behind at School - Now What?
Did you struggle to learn? Why not let your child know.